صفحة الكاتب : مدحت قلادة

A Statement from the Union of Coptic Organizations in Europe
مدحت قلادة

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 In view of the painful incidents that have happened to our people, the Christians in Egypt, the Copts, it was decided to sit in the European Parliament in a month’s time from now, to explain the latest attacks on the Copts especially after the January 25, 2011 revolution.  Such attacks are recorded by civil organizations and particularly “the organization of Egyptians against religious discrimination”,  that I attached to two letters to Field Marshal Mohammad Hussein Tantawy, Head of the Army Counsel.  As examples and by no means conclusive:

- Slaughter of a Copt, the owner of a jewellery store by the name “Hemaya Samy” in Thabet Street, Assiut.
- Slaughter of Fr. Dawoud Botros, priest of Amir Tadros church, Shatb village, near Assiut.
- Burning down the homes of the Bahai in the village of El-Shourania in Souhag.
- Burning down and demolishing the church of Sool of Atfeeh.
- Burning down the home of the Copt “Ayman Anwar Demetry” of Kena and cutting off his ear.
- The attack on a Copt in Abu Al-Matameer city, province of Behera and burning down his store after accusing him (falsely) of having relations with a female neighbour. The matter was resolved after a reconciliation  meeting in which it was decided to  fine the family of the victim 100,000 Egyptian pounds and ordering him to leave the city!
- Slaughter of a Copt in Sugah by Salaphi (strict Muslim) groups and throwing his body from the  third floor of a building.
- The rise of a group of hoodlums terrorising the Copts in the villages of Al-Badraman and Nazlet Al-Badraman, at Deir Mouas, province of Minya, collecting taxes from them and seizing their lands.
- Preventing the Copts from praying in their church in the district of Embaba, Cairo.
- Attack on a Christian lady and burning down her home in Sadat city, province of Menoufia.
- Occupying the church of El-Matemeer village and forbidding the Christians to pray in it until after a traditional reconciliation meeting.
- Burning down the homes of the Bahai in the village of Al-Shouraniah, upper Egypt.
- Increase in number of thefts and plundering of Copts’ properties  and kidnapping of Coptic girls and women.
- Increase in the number of attacks by the “Salaphis” on the Copts, their cars and their stores in Abu Korkas, Minya, together with burning down of 12 homes , two cars, killing two Copts and injuring many.



We refuse to witness the submission of Egypt presented by the Higher Council of the Armed Forces and the Right Honourable the Prime Minister of Egypt to a group of extremists in the provinces of Egypt, specially in Kena.  Very recently, a Copt of military background was appointed as governor of Kena. In Kena for the first time and it will not be the last time, dangerous signs were raised that threaten the Egyptian constitution and stand against all Human Rights conventions.  These signs include “No reign of an infidel over Muslims, we want a civilian Muslim governor, there is no God but Allah, the Christian is an enemy of Allah.”

That confirms what we previously warned before and after the revolution against such irresponsible activities and the sorrowful incidents that started by cutting off the ear of a Copt, blocking the railway roads and preventing  the trains from running for five days. This was besides raising Saudi flags and signs declaring Kena as an Islamic emirate!  This is a beginning not an ending to what awaits our beloved Egypt from unprecedented dangers in its new history, particularly after the inaction of the new regime and the deliberate silence and continuous incitements against the Copts.

We were hoping that matters would not reach this horrible and hideous level, and we were also eager to share in building the new Egypt.  We actually made connections with certain development organizations to help to rescue our national economy in this sensitive period.  We travelled to Egypt and met with some responsible authorities, yet the winds went against the proper current.

We have no choice but to deliver our complaints to the European Parliament and to the World Human Rights Organizations to explain to them the atrocities that go beyond limits for our people the Copts in Egypt.

            Madhat Kelata,
           President of the Union of Coptic Organizations in Europe

            cc. The Army counsel,
                 The Right Honourable the Prime Minister of Egypt,
                 World News Agents,
                Egyptian Embassies abroad,
                All Human Rights Organizations,
                Political Parties in Egypt.

            Ps. This statement is available in the Arabic, English, French, Dutch and
                        German languages.
     The European Parliament convened for the first time of its history
            on February 1, 2011, in Brussel.

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مدحت قلادة
 (للدخول لصفحة الكاتب إضغط هنا)

    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   إضافة تعليق   ||   التاريخ : 2011/04/26

كتابة تعليق لموضوع : A Statement from the Union of Coptic Organizations in Europe
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